Metalogue 4: How much do you know?

In this metalogue the daughter asks her father: “Daddy, how much do you know?” Bateson estimates that must have about a pound (450g) of ‘knowledge’. They realise this isn’t a Continue Reading →
Bateson for Business
In this metalogue the daughter asks her father: “Daddy, how much do you know?” Bateson estimates that must have about a pound (450g) of ‘knowledge’. They realise this isn’t a Continue Reading →
This third metalogue begins with the question, “Daddy, are these conversations serious? … Or are they a sort of game that you play with me?” It is an opportunity for Continue Reading →
In this metalogue the daughter asks her father: “Daddy, why do Frenchmen wave their arms about?” They discuss how we manage to communicate so much without words, and what we are Continue Reading →
In this first, simple, metalogue (written in 1948) Gregory Bateson imagines a conversation between a daughter and her father. “Why,” the daughter wants to know, “do things get in a muddle?” Continue Reading →